An erotic evening with the Reynolds Brothers

They say that nothing is stronger than blood. The story I am about to tell is no youngster’s play. My manager, provided me a bargain from a client last winter. I was informed to expand my solutions beyond the limits which was certainly mosting likely to breach my comfort zone. Nonetheless, being an expert escort, I can not draw lines because I needed to check out the proclivities and my limits every passing min. Thus, I could not turn down the deal, thinking about the handsome sum of money the customer prepared to pay.

I was supposed to be Mr. Reynolds’ birthday surprise from his bro. I put on my finest garments and also a black satin underwear that hardly covered my breast. I dolled up with my much-loved crimson lipstick that made my lips look fuller and also juicier. I put on my stilettos and also reached the Reynolds’ manor sharp at nine o’ clock. I was greeted by a genial lady, who presented herself as a relied on slave for Reynolds. I waited for a while in the living room while the woman made discussions, which I barely focused on. Nevertheless, I did decode that Mr. Reynolds was a widowed male in his early forties while his bro was a bachelor in his late thirties. After virtually thirty minutes, I was contacted us to Mr. Reynolds’ area where he and his brother had been awaiting me.

I strolled in the direction of them and was welcomed with a smile. They were tall and sturdy men with sharp functions, practically comparable to each various other. Among them turned on the music and also the lights were dimmed. I started with removing my transparent t shirt, as well as soon, the brothers joined me.

Among them eliminated my undergarments as well as made me decrease on my knees. I stuck my tongue out while both of them unzipped their trousers. I sucked on his dick while I played with his sibling’s. Soon, I was at the same time sucking on two cocks as well as I can feel my pussy getting wet with every passing secondly. Mr. Reynolds pulled me up by my waist as well as I recognized that he wanted to get inside me. I hinged on his thighs while his brother sucked on my substantial tits. They played with them for a while, fingering me at periods and also making me howl for grace.

I curved over by the bed post and also allow him fuck me from behind. Mr. Reynolds shoved his prick inside me and also fucked me, delicately at first and afterwards at one time. The length of his dick was extremely rewarding and I could not wait to get my pussy damaged by the Reynolds’ brothers. Both the bros took their turns bat fucking me and it really felt better than ever before. I rode his bro’s big dick while Mr. Reynolds required his dick right into my mouth. The ride deserved it, if I should say so. I jumped on that particular cock, moaning my lungs out yet was made to shut up with Mr. Reynolds’ scrumptious penis. I drew hard till he was available in my mouth, making me swallow. I maintained riding up until his sibling creampied my damp pussy with warm and also thick cum.

So, that was my experience with the siblings and also I shall treasure it throughout my life.

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